
FoodExpo Qazaqstan 2021
FoodExpo Qazaqstan is not only one, but also the largest “Food Industry” exhibition in Central Asia, bringing together suppliers of technology and equipment with manufacturers, distributors and retailers of food and beverages. Despite the logistical difficulties, 421 companies from 26 countries (Austria, Belarus, Belgium, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Netherlands, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Russia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, USA) take part in the united platform of the exhibition.
“Belagro – 2020” in Minsk, Belarus
More than 350 Belarusian and foreign companies from 13 countries of the world took part in the XXX International Specialized Exhibition “BELagro-2020” in Minsk. About innovative technologies and scientific approaches in the development of the agro-industrial complex, changes in the preferences of Belarusians and new products on the food market - see our material.